getfile is a convenience function that serves as a wrapper for the functions file.choose(), file.path(), and list.files(). If the user is working in a GUI environment, a window will pop up, allowing the user to choose a specified file regardless of path.

getfile(multi = FALSE, pattern = NULL, combine = TRUE)



this is an indicator to allow the user to store the names of multiple files found in the directory. This is useful in conjunction with poppr.all().


a regex() pattern for use while multi == TRUE. This will grab all files matching this pattern.


logical. When this is set to TRUE (default), the $files vector will have the path appended to them. When it is set to FALSE, it will have the basename.



a character string of the absolute path to the chosen file or files


a character vector containing the chosen file name or names.


# \dontrun{ x <- getfile()
#> Error in file.path(file.choose()): unable to translate '<90>k<e4><fe>' to UTF-8
#> Error in poppr(x$files): object 'x' not found
y <- getfile(multi=TRUE, pattern="^.+?dat$")
#> Error in file.path(file.choose()): unable to translate '<90>k<e4><fe>' to UTF-8
#useful for reading in multiple FSTAT formatted files. yfiles <- poppr.all(y$files)
#> Error in seq(length(filelist)): object 'y' not found
# }