Wrapper for snpclone initializer.

as.snpclone(x, ..., parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, mlg, mlgclass = TRUE)



a genlight or snpclone object


arguments to be passed on to the genlight constructor. These are not used if x is not missing.


should the parallel package be used to construct the object?


how many cores should be utilized? See documentation for genlight for details.


a vector of multilocus genotypes or an object of class MLG for the new snpclone object.


if TRUE (default), the multilocus genotypes will be represented as an MLG object.


(x <- as.snpclone(glSim(100, 1e3, ploid=2)))
#> ||| SNPCLONE OBJECT ||||||||| #> #> || 100 genotypes, 1,000 binary SNPs, size: 182.6 Kb #> 0 (0 %) missing data #> #> || Basic content #> @gen: list of 100 SNPbin #> @mlg: 100 original multilocus genotypes #> @ploidy: ploidy of each individual (range: 2-2) #> #> || Optional content #> @other: a list containing: ancestral.pops #> #> NULL
# \dontrun{ # Without parallel processing system.time(x <- as.snpclone(glSim(1000, 1e5, ploid=2)))
#> user system elapsed #> 165.968 15.643 181.774
# With parallel processing... doesn't really save you much time. system.time(x <- as.snpclone(glSim(1000, 1e5, ploid=2, parallel = TRUE), parallel = TRUE))
#> Loading required package: parallel
#> user system elapsed #> 168.720 15.741 184.803
# }