This lesson is in the early stages of development (Alpha version)
  • Describe the required structure of R packages.
  • Create the required structure of a simple R package.
  • Write documentation comments that can be automatically compiled to R’s native help and documentation format.
  • How do I collect my code together so I can reuse it and share it?
  • How do I make my own packages?

Why should you make your own R packages?

Reproducible research!

An R package is the basic unit of reusable code. If you want to reuse code later or want others to be able to use your code, you should put it in a package.

An R package requires four components:

  • a DESCRIPTION file with metadata about the package
  • an R directory with the code
  • a man directory with documentation (we will create this automatically)
  • a NAMESPACE file listing user-level functions in the package (we will also create this automatically)

*There are other optional components. rOpenSci community has written a science-focused guidebook for package development, while the “R packages” book contains all the fundamental information.


Package: Package name
Title: Brief package description
Description: Longer package description
Version: Version number(major.minor.patch)
Author: Name and email of package creator
Maintainer: Name and email of package maintainer (who to contact with issues)
License: Abbreviation for an open source license

{: .source}

The package name can only contain letters and numbers and has to start with a letter.

.R files

Functions don’t all have to be in one file or each in separate files. How you organize them is up to you. Suggestion: organize in a logical manner so that you know which file holds which functions.

Making your first R package

Let’s turn our temperature conversion functions into an R package.

fahrenheit_to_celsius <- function(temp_F) {
  # Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
  temp_C <- (temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9
celsius_to_kelvin <- function(temp_C) {
  # Converts Celsius to Kelvin
  temp_K <- temp_C + 273.15
fahrenheit_to_kelvin <- function(temp_F) {
  # Converts Fahrenheit to Kelvin using fahrenheit_to_celsius() and celsius_to_kelvin()
  temp_C <- fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_F)
  temp_K <- celsius_to_kelvin(temp_C)

We will use the devtools and roxygen2 packages, which make creating packages in R relatively simple. Both can be installed from CRAN like this:

install.packages(c("devtools", "roxygen2"))  # installations can be `c`ombined

Set your working directory, and then use the create function to start making your package. Keep the name simple and unique.

  • package_to_convert_temperatures_between_kelvin_fahrenheit_and_celsius (BAD)
  • tempConvert (GOOD)

Add our functions to the R directory. Place each function into a separate R script and add documentation like this:

#' Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
#' This function converts input temperatures in Fahrenheit to Celsius.
#' @param temp_F The temperature in Fahrenheit.
#' @return The temperature in Celsius.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fahrenheit_to_kelvin(32)

fahrenheit_to_celsius <- function(temp_F) {
  temp_C <- (temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9

The roxygen2 package reads lines that begin with #' as comments to create the documentation for your package. Descriptive tags are preceded with the @ symbol. For example, @param has information about the input parameters for the function. Now, we will use roxygen2 to convert our documentation to the standard R format.


Take a look at the package directory now. The /man directory has a .Rd file for each .R file with properly formatted documentation.

Overall, your package directory should look something like this:

R Package Structure

Now, let’s load the package and take a look at the documentation.



Notice there is now a tempConvert environment that is the parent environment to the global environment.


Now that our package is loaded, let’s try out some of the functions.

[1] 0
[1] 0
[1] 0

Creating a Package for Distribution

  1. Create some new functions for your tempConvert package to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit or from Kelvin to Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  2. Create a package for our analyze function so that it will be easy to load when more data arrives.


Converts Kelvin to Celsius

This function converts input temperatures in Kelvin to Celsius.
temp_K The temperature in Kelvin.
The temperature in Celsius.


kelvin_to_celsius <- function(temp_K) {
  temp_C <- temp_K - 273.15
Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit

This function converts input temperatures in Celsius to Fahrenheit.
temp_C The temperature in Celsius.
The temperature in Fahrenheit.


celsius_to_fahrenheit <- function(temp_C) {
  temp_F <- (temp_C * 9/5) + 32
Converts Kelvin to Fahrenheit

This function converts input temperatures in Kelvin to Fahrenheit.
temp_K The temperature in Kelvin.
The temperature in Fahrenheit.


kelvin_to_fahrenheit <- function(temp_K) {
  temp_C <- kelvin_to_celsius(temp_K)
  temp_F <- celsius_to_fahrenheit(temp_C)

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  • A package is the basic unit of reusability in R.
  • Every package must have a DESCRIPTION file and an R directory containing code. These are created by us.
  • A NAMESPACE file is needed as well, and a man directory containing documentation, but both can be autogenerated.