Teaching: 30
Exercises: 0
Why should you make your own R packages?
Reproducible research!
An R package is the basic unit of reusable code. If you want to reuse code later or want others to be able to use your code, you should put it in a package.
An R package requires four components:
*There are other optional components. rOpenSci community has written a science-focused guidebook for package development, while the “R packages” book contains all the fundamental information.
Package: Package name
Title: Brief package description
Description: Longer package description
Version: Version number(major.minor.patch)
Author: Name and email of package creator
Maintainer: Name and email of package maintainer (who to contact with issues)
License: Abbreviation for an open source license
The package name can only contain letters and numbers and has to start with a letter.
Functions don’t all have to be in one file or each in separate files. How you organize them is up to you. Suggestion: organize in a logical manner so that you know which file holds which functions.
Let’s turn our temperature conversion functions into an R package.
function(temp_F) {
fahrenheit_to_celsius <-# Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
(temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9
temp_C <-return(temp_C)
function(temp_C) {
celsius_to_kelvin <-# Converts Celsius to Kelvin
temp_C + 273.15
temp_K <-return(temp_K)
function(temp_F) {
fahrenheit_to_kelvin <-# Converts Fahrenheit to Kelvin using fahrenheit_to_celsius() and celsius_to_kelvin()
temp_C <- celsius_to_kelvin(temp_C)
temp_K <-return(temp_K)
We will use the devtools
and roxygen2
packages, which make creating packages in R relatively simple. Both can be installed from CRAN like this:
install.packages(c("devtools", "roxygen2")) # installations can be `c`ombined
Set your working directory, and then use the create
function to start making your package. Keep the name simple and unique.
Add our functions to the R directory. Place each function into a separate R script and add documentation like this:
#' Converts Fahrenheit to Celsius
#' This function converts input temperatures in Fahrenheit to Celsius.
#' @param temp_F The temperature in Fahrenheit.
#' @return The temperature in Celsius.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fahrenheit_to_kelvin(32)
function(temp_F) {
fahrenheit_to_celsius <- (temp_F - 32) * 5 / 9
temp_C <-return(temp_C)
The roxygen2
package reads lines that begin with #'
as comments to create the documentation for your package. Descriptive tags are preceded with the @
symbol. For example, @param
has information about the input parameters for the function. Now, we will use roxygen2
to convert our documentation to the standard R format.
Take a look at the package directory now. The /man directory has a .Rd file for each .R file with properly formatted documentation.
Overall, your package directory should look something like this:
Now, let’s load the package and take a look at the documentation.
Notice there is now a tempConvert environment that is the parent environment to the global environment.
Now that our package is loaded, let’s try out some of the functions.
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function so that it will be easy to load when more data arrives.#' Converts Kelvin to Celsius
#' This function converts input temperatures in Kelvin to Celsius.
#' @param temp_K The temperature in Kelvin.
#' @return The temperature in Celsius.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' kelvin_to_celsius(273.15)
function(temp_K) {
kelvin_to_celsius <- temp_K - 273.15
temp_C <-
temp_C }
#' Converts Celsius to Fahrenheit
#' This function converts input temperatures in Celsius to Fahrenheit.
#' @param temp_C The temperature in Celsius.
#' @return The temperature in Fahrenheit.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' celsius_to_fahrenheit(0)
function(temp_C) {
celsius_to_fahrenheit <- (temp_C * 9/5) + 32
temp_F <-
temp_F }
#' Converts Kelvin to Fahrenheit
#' This function converts input temperatures in Kelvin to Fahrenheit.
#' @param temp_K The temperature in Kelvin.
#' @return The temperature in Fahrenheit.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' kelvin_to_fahrenheit(273.15)
function(temp_K) {
kelvin_to_fahrenheit <- kelvin_to_celsius(temp_K)
temp_C <- celsius_to_fahrenheit(temp_C)
temp_F <-
temp_F }
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