This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)


  • What system of content generation seems easier to use for you?
  • How easy will it be to explain this to a newcomer?
  • What questions do you have for us?


You will test out three methods of creating challenge/solution blocks and fill out a short survey related to their ease use. (estimated time: 15 minutes)

This website contains reference pages for each of the syntaxes as well as two pages containing challenges for you.

  1. Please go to and follow the instructions
  2. Briefly examine the three candidate syntaxes and rank them in the survey
  3. Download this answer document and save it to your desktop.
  4. Open the answer document in your favorite text editor and test out the three syntaxes for both Simple Nested Challenge and Complex Nested Challenge
  5. Copy and paste your answers in the survey (be sure to include the headers)
  6. Answer the post-challenge questions in the survey


The nested challenge and solution blocks have been an integral part of The Carpentries for quite a while and the provide a low-stakes way for learners to test their knowledge.

Test your knowledge!

How are challenge and solution blocks created with the current Jekyll-based lesson template?


The challenge and solution blocks were created using nested block quotes with class attributes:

The goal of this lesson is to present three potential ways of creating content blocks for rendering specialized sections in the new Carpentries lesson template. Your feedback will help us understand how comfortable our maintainers will be with each of these formats so that we can choose one that we will use as our recommendation for creating these blocks.


This nested challenge/solution block:


Use the + operator to concatenate the strings “hello” and “there” in python


"hello " + "there"
"hello there"

Can be generated three ways:

HTML div

Via the {dovetail} package

Via pandoc fenced divs