This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)


  • How is a block defined with fenced divs?

Challenge block pandoc fenced div


Fenced divs in pandoc have simpler and more flexible syntax than HTML div tags. They consist of a series of at least 3 colons (:::) (followed by a class for opening tags) for delimiting blocks.Note that vertical space is not as important for these tags as HTML tags are.

Defining blocks

Blocks are defined by placing a series of at least 3 colons (:::) on a blank line followed by the name of the class. Blocks are closed with at least 3 colons on a new line. For example:

::: challenge

## Challenge

This is a *challenge*


:::::: callout

## Callout

This is a *callout*



The number of colons in the opening tag does not need to match the number of colons in the closing tag, but it’s a good idea to include enough for visual clarity.

Nesting blocks

Blocks are nested similar to div tags in that you can open a new tag in an already open block to nest. For example:

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge

## Challenge

This is a *challenge*

:::::::::::::::::::::: callout

## Callout

This is a *callout* inside a *challenge*


This is a *challenge* again


What to watch out for

Make sure your colons always start at the beginning of the line.

::: callout

## Callout



 ::: callout

 ## Callout
 Bad (space before opening tag)
:::: callout
## Callout

Good (but not preferred)


:::: callout
## Callout

Bad (closing tag is not processed)


This example shows a nested solution inside of a challenge block

Example of markdown with fenced div blocks from pandoc specifying a challenge and solution block


Use the + operator to concatenate the strings “hello” and “there” in python


"hello " + "there"
"hello there"